Register your interest with VACC Auto Apprenticeships, and a Field Officer will contact you about potential candidates available.
An apprentice/trainee will need to attend TAFE or an RTO at regular intervals for the duration of their training contract. Depending on the training arrangement, TAFE training may occur once a week or 1 week block release, 4-9 weeks per year. The rest of the time is spent in the workplace.
You will only need to pay an hourly charge-out rate according to the hours worked by the apprentice/trainee within your workplace. For a full list of what VACC looks after, see Employers – How it Works
As per Award conditions, for more information please contact VACC. Apprentices are employed under the Vehicle Manufacturing Repair Services & Retail Award 2010. Trainees are employed under National Training Wage Award.
- Step 1: Applications are thoroughly reviewed to meet strict selection criteria
- Step 2: Shortlisted applicant(s) interviewed by a VACC Field Manager –If successful:
- Step 3: Applicant to complete and pass key areas of an aptitude test
- Step 4: Full medical assessment
- Step 5: 1-2 day induction