An apprenticeship generally takes 4 years to complete.
A full time traineeship takes 12 months (1 year) to complete.
Depending upon work arrangements, a school based traineeship takes 2-3 years to complete
A Training Contract is a a legal binding agreement between an apprentice and the employer (VACC) to engage in on and off-the-job training for the chosen apprenticeship/traineeship and is produced by the Commonwealth Government for all apprentices and trainees in Australia.
An apprentice/trainee attends a TAFE or an RTO at regular intervals for the duration of their training contact. TAFE apprenticeship training (off-the-job) is the underpinning knowledge element of the chosen apprenticeship or traineeship. It usually takes three years to complete if there are no exemptions. The apprentice attends one week block sessions scheduled throughout the year, 6 -10 weeks per year. The rest of the time is spent in the workplace.
TAFE Traineeship (full-time) training goes for the duration of the traineeship. Depending on the arrangement, TAFE training may occur once a week or 1 week block release, 4-6 weeks per year.
An Australian School-Based Apprenticeship TAFE training may vary depending on the school, TAFE and workplace arrangements. In most cases it averages out to 1 day per week.
VACC is your employer and VACC Head Office is the apprentice’s/trainee’s principal point of employment. From here apprentices/trainees are placed (hosted out) with VACC member workshops.
As per Award conditions, for more information please contact VACC. Apprentices are employed under the Vehicle Manufacturing Repair Services & Retail Award 2010. Trainees are employed under National Training Wage Award.
VACC Automotive Apprenticeships Field Officers visit apprentices/trainees on average every 4-8 weeks.
VACC Automotive Apprenticeships apprentices/trainees are required to complete and submit a time sheet stating their hours of work or TAFE studies on a weekly basis. The apprentice is responsible for making sure that the Auto Apprenticeships payroll office receives the timesheets on a weekly basis.
VACC Automotive Apprenticeships apprentices/trainees may be expected to travel up to 1 hour to their host employer. VACC will endeavour to place apprentices and trainees as close to the place of residence as possible.
For apprentices, a toolbox is provided on commencement of employment with VACC Automotive Apprenticeships. The toolbox remains the property of the VACC throughout the apprenticeship. On successful completion of the apprenticeship, VACC will offer the toolbox to the apprentice as a gift. Full time trainees are supplied some tools at the discretion of the VACC. School-Based Trainees are not supplied with tools.
Apprentices / trainees are required to supply their own steel capped work boots and a minimum of 3 pairs of coveralls.